Are You Wearing The Right Shoes?: Keys to Cultivating a Purposely MADE Life Through Peace & Patience
The Purposely M.A.D.E. Life ain't easy, but in the end it's surely worthwhile!
There comes a point in all of our lives where we reach the ultimate fork in the road of life in which we have to make a choice between the ok/good/more traveled road vs. the purpose-filled/soul-challenging/less traveled road. The opportunity in which we pace back and forth between the decision of comfort vs. the unknown, fear vs. courage, a good pathway vs. a purposeful direction.
My time came about 5 years ago. My career path and spiritual life were good .... the other important areas of my life were ok. However, there was a consistent whisper in my heart that there was something more that I was destined to do with my life.
At the time, I didn't quite understand the significance of knowing my purpose or that the keys to a fulfilled life were living intentionally in every major area of my life (Personal/Social Life, Legacy(work/career/business), Family Life, Spiritual Life, Love Life, Personal Development, Finances, Physical/Mental Health Life).
I honestly was just so focused on checking off the boxes on the "to-do list to achieve success" according to society's prescribed agenda. Even if it meant ignoring or attempting to silence the One who was encouraging relentlessly that I was fearfully and purposefully M.A.D.E. for more!
Why? Because even though I knew that I needed to make a change, my mind, my heart, and my feet weren't ready to take the unorthodox...untraveled...unexpected road.
During the last 5 of my journey, I've learned (and I'm still learning!) how to carry the correct tools (personality and character traits, spiritual disciplines, support systems, and personal development tools) with me. The biggest lesson I've learned so far is that I must have the correct type of "shoes" in order to sustain and properly navigate the journey of a purposely M.A.D.E. life.
Through lots of trial and error, I know that to be firmly planted and committed to the journey of discovering and leading your life on purpose requires a purposely M.A.D.E. woman to walk in the "shoes" of Patience and Peace.
The combination of patience and peace gives the strength and momentum to persevere and move forward, one little or giant step, at the right time. The two are a harmonious pair because with life, especially living an intentional life, there is guaranteed to be internal (emotional) and external (physical circumstances) roadblocks that will be a set up for growth and or a set back to frustration and seemingly defeat.
When you have a clear vision for your life, the qualities of peace and patience will help you acknowledge and avoid potential internal/external setbacks that are not aligned with the purpose for your life. Peace and patience help you identify, filter through, and overcome the fleeting moments of erratic emotions and temporary circumstances.
I know. I've been in that place more times than I want to admit!
In order to purposely cultivate a daily life of peace and patience, there are 3 tools I find to be helpful:
1. Thanksgiving/Gratitude
2. Timing
3. Trust
Over the next 3 weeks we will unpack each of these, but this week let's focus on Thanksgiving/Gratitude.
Your perspective persuades your perception.
When facing a difficult decision or task, it can often seem there is very little that you have control over. However, your thoughts and mindset are two of the most important things that you can control. Focusing and repeating (internally and to others) the problem provides the perfect environment for the issue to grow and fester(yup, fester...eww!)
By practicing thanksgiving, you are able to express and to activate the abundant tools available to navigate through any roadblock. Those tools can be anything from hope, comfort, and peace to financial support, accountability, and personal growth.
For most people, the practice of thanksgiving does not come easily because it's counter intuitive. The key to making thanksgiving a consistent practice is to accept and embrace it as a complete mindset shift. Turning away from doing life as usual and being intentional about gaining control over your thoughts and what you ruminate on unconsciously.
Good news, there are some practical tips that will help you begin to cultivate a lifestyle and attitude of thanksgiving! How can you get these tips? Follow me this week on Instagram @purposelymadelife, like my page on Facebook @purposelymadelife, or follow me on Twitter @purposelymade1 for 3 tips that I'll be sharing throughout the week.
Come back next week to find out how the type of timing can temper the cultivation of a daily life of peace and patience in the journey of discovering and living life on purpose!
This Week's Thoughts: How has practicing thanksgiving/gratitude as a new tool impacted your life this week or in the past? Share with us in the comments.
This Week's Motivational Quote: Becoming a purpose-filled woman is a life-long journey. Keep in mind that the ultimate big picture is a beautiful outcome!
It's #MusicMonday!!: This week's moment goes to "Unfinished" by Mandisa.
Scripture Reference:
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)
If you need daily encouragement to awaken your purpose or to lead your life with purpose, grab my FREE guide "7 Positive Affirmations to Awaken Your Purpose" at