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7 Year Journey...❤

Listen to MADE Motivational Minute #22:  Facebook Instagram

This time of year is an emotional and reflective time for me. Every year, right on cue, Facebook reminds me of the beginning of my purpose journey. In 2013, I MADE my biggest leap of faith and life transition when I moved from Austin, Texas to Atlanta. Georgia.

It was a big weekend for me! Right after participating in and celebrating the wedding ceremony of my best friend, I packed a Uhaul truck, drove across the country in a matter of hours, and landed in Atlanta, Georgia on Oct. 1st.  At the time, I had no job OR leads, there were only 3 family and friends that I knew. I was the new girl, in a new city, living with a new family who attended my new church. It was scary and something new for sure… but everything was intentional and a reflection of me going “ALL IN” in the pursuit of my God-given purpose.

7 years later….in this year of 2020…the number 7 biblically represents something that is being finished or complete.

During my quiet time this morning, I received a specific Divine download that I wanted to share:

Be Open and Embrace Operating in a Miracle Mindset.

This week began with my sharing about that the benefits of developing a Miracle Mindset and operating in the present in my MADE Motivational Minute (Listen above!)

wor·ry (verb)-give way to anxiety or unease; allow one's mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles.

Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere.” - Glenn Turner When you are a rocking chair of worry, your mind is constantly in motion, yet staying in the same old place! You’re laser-focused on the future ahead of you or ruminating on the past that keeps you stuck.

How do you know if you are in the rocking chair cycle of worry? Ask yourself the variation of this question that fits your current lifestyle:

Is my energy spread too thin because ¼ is stuck in the past and 2/4 of my energy is already in the future?

Whatever variation of the imbalance reflected in this question that fits your situation, it ultimately leaves only a small amount of energy to pursue your purpose and present opportunities that are available right now!

Don’t worry about tomorrow, live in today. Be present and fully engaged in the Miracle Mindset. Encourage yourself during the transition and transformation. “Something different will manifest for me today, something good is going to happen to me today, something new will shift in my life and circumstances today!” Matt. 6:34.

Here are 5 things that you can do to address worry:

1. Practice Mindfulness- Mindfulness is simply closing your eyes, calming your mind, and focusing on the present moment. Most times your worry is not your present reality. Most times the outcome of your worry ends up being a better or completely different outcome than the movie loop you create in your mind.

2. Don’t think for other people- worry traps us in the bad habit of rehearsing every negative outcome that you can think of. You get so caught up in your emotions that It leads you to make assumptions about the intentions of other people or why God has allowed a specific situation. The only way to break the apprehension is to ASK…ask others what they really meant and ask God how the situation beneficial to your growth.

3. Let your worry into the light- It’s ok to be uneasy about changes in your life, transitions, new relationships, etc. Don’t stuff the emotion inside, let it out by recognizing that you are experiencing these feelings, and name them. Identify the intensity of the worry and the level of support that you need.

4.Replace your thoughts- When we call our girlfriends and then continue to tell our co-workers, and then share with our loved ones…we are snowballing the worry. Whatever you focus on grows and when you continue to talk and think about the problem, your energy, mood, and mindset will begin to validate the untruths of the worry. Replace your thoughts with the facts of the situation.

5. Take action and refocus- When you focus on the worry, you focus on the what-ifs. Reframe your thought process to reflect, “What small action can I take now based on the facts that I know now?”

If you are wrestling between a mindset of worry/ apprehension about your future and God raising the bar on your faith, I offer you this prayer:

“God, there is a lot happening today and I could easily give my mindset over to fear and worry, but I choose to trust you. I feel a shift pulling me more towards my desire to walk I the fullness of my purpose over the doubt in the false reality of perfection. I am thankful that my miracle has already happened. Amen!”

Cheers to a miracle-making kind of week!


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