6 Steps to Reclaim Your Power and Complement Your Life
Complete-v.-making (something) whole or perfect
Complement-v-add to (something) in a way that enhances or improves it, make perfect
You were fearfully, wonderfully, and completely MADE….so you were MADE whole and complete from your very beginning.
Believing this truth means that you consistently seek and pursue opportunities to add value to your life. Disbelief in this truth means that you could be operating from a mindset of being incomplete...in one or more areas of your life.
Do you believe it?
This is an important question to consider as we make choices and decisions daily that will either move us closer to fulfilling our life purpose or keep us in a state of purpose paralysis.
When we believe that anything outside of the truth of our inherent wholeness can make us happy...(a specific job, increase in money, a life-long romantic partnership, well-adjusted and intelligent kids, a side-hustle business, another degree…) we give “that thing” power over how, when, and if we move in alignment and pursue our purpose.
This power comes from our words:
“If I lose my job...life would be over”
“If I lose my spouse, If I'm not married yet, If I don’t have any kids by whatever age…my
life is meaningless”
“If I don’t earn this specific degree, I’ll never be respected or taken seriously”
We also notice the relinquishing of our power in our behavior:
Before we know it, we’re committed to making “that thing” happen at all costs because
we feel powerless without achieving it. We have given that person, place, event, or
thing the power to complete us. As soon as it is threatened or taken away, we crash, our
faith is tested, and we start chasing after those things that are not in alignment with our
Sis, I want to challenge your mindset: You are already complete. The perspective shift that I want to offer you today is that you were fearfully and wonderfully MADE...you were MADE whole and complete in the very beginning, before our first breath. You were MADE with intention and a deep conviction that you were the GOOD thing that the world needed.
It’s time to recognize your power! Claim it! And use it to forge the purposeful life you were MADE to have!
Follow these strategies to effectively use your power to transform your life:
1. Take full responsibility. The first step is to take full responsibility for all the good and challenging things in your life. If you believe that all things are possible with God and you are equipped with every good thing to do His will, you will seek the strength and the strategy to change them. (Philippians 4:13, Hebrews 13:21)
Even if some of the things you wish to change aren't really your fault, it is still 100% your responsibility to change them. Who else is going to do it?
2. Look at your past successes. Notice all of the good things you’ve accomplished in the past and how you brought them to fruition. Acknowledge the influence and the power you had in your successes. Note how they contribute to or emphasize your purpose.
3. Look at your past “failures.” Notice the influence you had on things that may not have turned out the way you wanted. Maybe you inadvertently created a challenge or didn’t take positive action. Take responsibility for your part in the unfavorable result.
Learn to view failing as a positive (though unpleasant) outcome. What have you learned from past “failures” that can help you “fail forward” in your purpose?
4. Set new goals. Many women live like a feather blowing in the wind, never having a true direction. It’s important to align with your Divine destination. Leaving things to chance or just how they come is choosing not to walk in your complete power at all.
Consider that a sandcastle never spontaneously rises from the beach. You have to intentionally build a sandcastle for it to come to life. Without intentionally planning and seeking out ways to add value to your life, you progress will be unreliable.
5. Reinforce your goals. Each day, rewrite your goals and imagine how you’ll feel when you accomplish them. Don’t just think about or write them and forget about them…or give yourself the opportunity to waver on your true desires
For example, you might want to go on a certain number of dates and you want to be single. You want a million dollars and you want to leave work early. Because the vision is not written, you are contradicting yourself and your goals don’t get the proper focus needed to manifest.
First define your goals in each of the 7 major life areas, and then make it a priority to review daily, weekly, monthly quarterly. You must keep your eye on the goals so they will become a priority over those temptations and distractions
6. Measure your progress. It’s important to constantly measure what you have accomplished and reinforce where you are going. If possible, measure every day.
If you have a goal to earn more money, how much money did you earn today? If you’re trying to lose weight, how many pounds did you lose this week or how many times did you workout this week?
Most of us fail to realize our goals because we don’t reevaluate along the way. You can’t make the proper adjustments if you’re unaware of your progress.
Take a step closer to your goal each day, even if it’s a baby step. Everyday, do something to move forward toward the life you want. Ask yourself, “What did I do today to create the life I desire?”
When you walk in your power of being complete, you can focus on your goals and fulfilling your life purpose. God’s intention was for us to live an abundant life...knowing that we are complete and whole.
God meant for our daily lives to reflect our sense of worthiness and that we would seek opportunities that would complement, meaning to add value and to enhance, the GOOD thing that He originally created.
It’s time to live a life worthy of complementing what God believes about you!
My final question is: Will you walk in your complete power?
About the Author:
Tynisha Wooley is the founder and curator of the Purposely Made Life Brand, a movement that empowers women who feel disconnected from their head (skills, talent, accomplishments, titles) and their heart Who am I?, Why am I here?, How am I uniquely designed to contribute my gifts and passions to the world?). Women who know that God MADE them for a specific reason and desire to live in the fullness of their God-given purpose. Her personal mission is to see every woman awaken her purpose, release fear, and lead with purpose in every area of her life!
Do You Know Your Purpose?
Are you seeking the answers to the questions “Who am I?”, “Why am I here?, “How am I uniquely designed to contribute my gifts and passions to the world?”
If you said yes to any of these questions, let’s connect!