9 Ways Women Can Lead with Purpose
A faith-based perspective on habits that enable every woman to lead with purpose in her professional, personal, and public spheres of influence.
From subtle ways to even changing the world, the presence of a woman who leads with purpose makes a difference!
Whether you are a CEO, Mom, Professional Career Woman, Entrepreneur, Neighbor, or Friend, there are habits that women who desire to lead their lives with purpose develop. Developing the following habits provides consistency in leading with purpose in your professional, personal, and public spheres of influence.
1. Clarify your life purpose and vision.
Ask God to help you identify your core values and amplify the authentic voice that will define your life as an influencer with your family, community, and workplace. Cultivating an impactful leadership legacy requires leading from clarity and a sense of meaning connected to something much bigger than yourself.
2. Listen to the needs and respect the opinions of others.
One of the most effective ways for a woman to lead with purpose is to understand the what and how of the people in her circle. What are their needs and how do they learn? Resist letting anger or differences in opinion cause you to judge others versus using discernment to make an informed judgment on how to best lead in the situation.
3. Keep an Open-Heart policy.
Believe the best in people until you are given a reason to examine your perception. At the time where your heart is people-tested, embrace the uncomfortable and lean into your values and voice as a woman who leads with purpose. Question yourself beyond your intentions and examine the motives of your heart. Seek first to have a heart that filters through love and the purpose or meaning for this relationship. As a woman of purpose, put your heart and thoughts through the love test in Cor 13:4-8:
4. Admit mistakes.
A woman who leads with purpose is a woman of integrity who regularly engages in self-reflection. Be the first to own your faults and mistakes. Your ability to acknowledge and hold yourself accountable serves as a valuable and teachable lesson in humility to those in your sphere of influence attached to your purpose. Whether it is clearly known to you or not, there are always individuals watching and learning from a woman who is intentional about leading her life with purpose.
5. Look for answers outside of the norm.
Dare to be different. Tap into your unique strengths and experiences as a way to provide diverse perspectives and solutions in every space that you grace. Don’t just follow a blueprint before you; decide to get comfortable walking your own path. The authentic voice that God gave you is needed right where he placed you to lead with a purpose.
6. Embrace experiences and dialogue with others.
A woman who leads purposely commits to maintaining an open heart by practicing a give and take-away growth process; determining that she is positioned to share her expertise as well as learn from every opportunity and person that she encounters. The presence of fear can prevent positive interactions so it’s important to create a safe place for dialogue that welcomes diversity and discussion over division and doubt.
7. Try to keep everything transparent.
Purposeful leaders value the power of positive, productive conversations. Limit the possibility of gossip and rumors by being transparent with your thoughts on the progress of a project or how a situation is being processed. Even if it seems and feels challenging, it is always better to grow through the difficulties rather than attempting to suppress the situation. A woman who chooses to lead with purpose practices lovingly releasing and be transparent about anything that does not align with her God-given voice or values.
8. Understand the actual point behind an idea.
Don’t listen to be right. Engage in earnest conversation with others so that they feel understood. Listen to hear and ask yourself, “How can someone else’s perspective enrich my current viewpoint?” As a woman who leads purposely, it’s important to know that active listening is one of the best opportunities for authentic data collection.
9. Be willing to become a mentor.
The best guarantee to pass on legacy and principles to the next generation of women who will lead is by mentoring. In every sphere of influence you hold now, seek to invest in at least one woman to develop. Mentor with the intention to develop her to step into her own leadership power (personal spheres of influence) or perhaps step into the space that you hold or similar (professional spheres of influence) when your purpose journey leads you to continue forward. A woman committed to personal development and pursuing purpose will naturally leave a trail of influence behind her.
From subtle ways to even changing the world, the presence of a woman who leads with purpose makes a difference!
Of course, none is perfect. So don’t put the expectation on yourself to practice ALL 9 habits of leading your life with purpose EVERY single day. Show yourself grace and love and use these tips as a personal development guide to work on building our leadership foundation and becoming the woman who consistently leads with purpose.
Keep these leadership tips close by throughout your day. Pray and ask God if there is a particular habit that he would like for you to focus on that day. Or if you encounter any resistance to practice a habit during a challenging interaction with a co-worker, child, or best friend, choose that habit for the day and go All IN. There is no one way to grow…as long as you just keep growing!
If you would like to explore more specific ways of how you can become a woman who intentionally leads her life with purpose, schedule a free break though call. I would love to connect and help you build a purposeful leadership foundation that impacts every space that you grace!
About the Author:
Tynisha Wooley is the founder and creator of the Purposely Made Life Brand, a movement that empowers women 25-45 who feel disconnected from their head (skills, talent, accomplishments, titles) and their heart Who am I?, Why am I here?, How am I uniquely designed to contribute my gifts and passions to the world?). Women who know that God MADE them for a specific reason, but don't quite know how to awaken their God-given purpose. Her personal mission is to see every woman awaken her purpose, release fear, and lead with purpose in every area of her life!
Do You Know Your Purpose?
Are you seeking the answers to the questions “Who am I?”, “Why am I here?”,“How am I uniquely designed to contribute my gifts and passions to the world?”
If you said yes to any of these questions, let’s connect!
Affirming Your Purpose on the Outside:
The Purpose Over Perfect Collection is my collection of Christian t-shirts designed for women to serve as a physical affirmation and reminder that the practice of pursuing her purpose is worth everything, even OVER all the reasons why she thinks she's not enough. The woman who wears this t-shirt accepts that the journey of walking in her purpose is messy, not perfect. And that's totally normal!
💜 If you would like daily encouragement to awaken your purpose, don't forget to grab my FREE guide "7 Positive Affirmations to Awaken Your Purpose" 💜
2. Listen to the needs and respect the opinions of others.