Six Life-Changing Benefits of Discovering Your Passions and Purpose
My heart fills with joy and I get so excited envisioning: What would happen if women all over the world knew, believed, and courageously acted as Purposely M.A.D.E. Women?!
What exactly is a Purposely M.A.D.E Woman? She is a woman who desires to experience freedom through discovering her passions. She’s destined to live an action-orientated and fulfilled life. She is committed to discovering her purpose, flowing in her highest potential, and owning her truth consistently.
So, why is purpose so important? Is it just the newest buzz word?
No, the purpose journey is not just the latest trend. Being able to identify what brings meaning to your life and how you can gift it to the works it important and ensures that you will a driving road map to living a purposely MADE life!
Here are 6 life-changing benefits from discovering your passions and purpose:
#6 Confidence.
With knowing your purpose, comes the assurance that you are doing the right thing and on the right path. For most of us, our purpose in life will be something so big that it takes a lifetime to complete. So, if you are feeling like your purpose is far bigger than you know how to achieve at this moment, then you are in good space!
Being confident and knowing what you are called to do, does not mean that there will not be any bumps or opposition to you achieving your goals. However, confidence assures that you will not give up! Fulfilling your purpose is a life-long journey of confident expectations!
#5 Focus
When you clearly know your life purpose it gives you the ability to focus. This focus provides a foundation for how you make decisions and a framework for timely choices. A purposefully M.A.D.E. life evolves into investing your time, thoughts, energy, money, and talents into things and experiences that reinforce your calling. Focus is the tunnel vision needed to avoid distractions and detractors!
#4 Faith
Knowing your life purpose gives you steady Faith. A belief that there is something far greater than you can envision at the moment and are capable of conceiving alone. Faith in your purpose gives you the courage to take calculated risks. FAITH is the cure for FEAR. Faith overcomes thoughts of the impossible and knows that with God "I'M POSSIBLE!"
#3 Freedom
Freedom comes with knowing your purpose and why and how you were M.A.D.E. to accomplish it. You are uniquely M.A.D.E. Living your life purpose and passion frees you from comparing your journey with others who have a totally different path and assignment. Your purpose gives you the freedom to define success as you create your own purposely M.A.D.E. life!
#2 Fulfillment
Living a life of fulfillment is about engaging in a holistic approach to life transformation. The benefits of leading and working your life on purpose (confidence, focus, faith, and freedom) is to live life full (James 1:4). A woman who constantly works towards being whole and full can then position herself to be a resource when others are in need.
Achieving fulfillment goes beyond letting positive life activities determine who you are or just enduring every negative experience because..."well that's just life, what can you do about it?"
There will be costs and sacrifices, yet a purposeful life is found in seeking the will of God. It means establishing a mindset that is intentional about creating and seeking to make every opportunity a beneficial pit-stop or landmark along your journey.
Ultimately, fulfillment is being an active participant in your life and learning how to adapt your perceptions, plans, and preparations. Fulfillment is where TRUST meets FAITH and produces purposeful ACTIONS. It's a commitment to a daily process in order to see continuous progress.
#1 Fortitude
Courage is the first step... fortitude is the endurance needed to finish the race! Fortitude is your ability to experience the spiritual, mental, and physical challenges of life and bounce back with a mindset of determination and perseverance (Proverbs 24:16) Knowing your purpose allows you to go forward with fortitude and be amazed at what God will accomplish through you!
Now is the right time. Go ahead… give yourself permission to pursue your life purpose and passions with fortitude and G.R.I.T.!
About the Author
Tynisha Wooley is the founder and creator of the Purposely Made Life Brand, a movement that empowers women 25-45 who feel disconnected from their head (skills, talent, accomplishments, titles) and their heart Who am I?, Why am I here?, How am I uniquely designed to contribute my gifts and passions to the world?). Women who know that God MADE them for a specific reason, but don't quite know how to awaken their God-given purpose.
INTRODUCING THE P.O.P. T-shirt Collection!!!
The Purpose Over Perfect Collection is my collection of Christian t-shirts designed for women to serve as a physical affirmation and reminder that the practice of pursuing her purpose is worth everything, even OVER all the reasons why she thinks she's not enough. The woman who wears this t-shirt accepts that the journey of walking in her purpose is messy, not perfect. And that's totally normal!
Get Your P.O.P. T-shirt at the link below. Wear it as a reminder to keep it everyday!!!